Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Tony Gallagher

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The suggested benefits of Sizewell C are vastly outweighed by the environmental and economic damage such a site would create. EDFs proposed ‘ameliorative’ measures are woefully inadequate Moreover, EDFs publicity presentations of site development mis-represent the reality based on evidence for other sites including Hinckley. Quality of life. The importance of well-being and quality of life are not sufficiently taken into account as part of the planning permission process. The construction of Sizewell will have a profoundly negative of many. Th offer of local jobs will not ameliorate this factor. Anyway, many jobs will not be locally sourced but imported. Currently there are no safe storage solutions for nuclear waste. It is inconceivable that planning permission for any civil engineering project can be given consent when it represents a recognised health risk. This alone should curtail development. AONB. This site is part of an AONB, a unique landscape providing precious habitats for various types of wildlife, and is enjoyed by residents and visitors alike. The destruction and fragmentation of the area for new roads, roundabouts, park and ride facilities and temporary accommodation, with all the noise, pollution, dust and light pollution that these, and the construction site, will bring, is too high a price to pay for a nuclear facility which is 20th century technology. Transport. EDF’s plans for transport are woefully inadequate and impractical. Devasting damage to the local environment would ensues. New roads, roundabouts and local infrastructure would not be required if Sizewell C was not being built. Electricity usage continues to drop. Moreover, alternative and renewable sources are already providing cost efficient, localised and clean energy. In simple terms, nuclear power, particularly 10 or more years hence is a misjudged investment. Despite claims to the contrary, Sizewell C will not be low carbon. It’s construction, operation and decommissioning will have a high carbon footprint compared with renewable sources of electricity.