Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Louise Wheatley

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. Site suitability - unsuitable in an area at considerable at risk of flooding and coastal erosion 2. Site inaccessibility - site location difficult to access without considerable interventions to the surrounding area eg road building, lorry parks and associated infrastructure - causing a colossal level of environmental damage 3. Site status - an AONB which has significant value for wildlife and especially migrating birds. The threat to this from both a) the Sizewell structure and b) the infrastructure required form construction and ongoing works will be devastating to such a ecologically sensitive and important area. 4. Pollution - 37% of Suffolk's emissions come from transport (Suffolk Climate Emergency Plan Technical Report 7.5.20). The increase in heavy road traffic would come at a time when global emissions should be being reduced, associated health impacts will have a catastrophic effect on health of communities and especially children 5. Road building increases traffic - induced demand - meaning that long after the project is finished the area will be left with a legacy of increased traffic. Wildlife corridors, footpaths and communities will be severed by roads, road noise and the general degradation of the environment associated with infrastructure. The impact on communities and wildlife mean the area will never fully recover and this will have a knock on effect on the economy that relies on tourism to the area 6. Climate emergency and green economic recovery. On all levels this construction project explicitly contravenes Suffolk County Councils declaration of a climate emergency made on 21 March 2019 and the government's commitment to a national green economic recovery with an emphasis on carbon neutral renewable energy and which states that 'Encouraging greater take-up of public transport and active travel (walking and cycling) and a massive roll-out of zero emissions vehicles.'(Suffolk Climate Emergency Plan Technical Report 7.5.20). The report also makes considerable references to renewable energy going as far as to say businesses need to move to 100% renewable energy tariffs. The report emphasises that the focus needs to be on local walking and cycling which the increase in road infrastructure and road use and associated repercussions of the Sizewell C project will totally negatively impact for a considerable radius around the site 7 This project will degrade the environment, the wildlife and people's lives in every way possible, its a massive construction project in an ecologically sensitive area of intensely rural communities and is totally unsuitable in the global effort to respect our environment for the continued enjoyment of all. I wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C, RSPB and SWT. I wish to state that I consider the Sizewell C application to be totally unsuitable to the digital application process.