Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Ibby Alcraft

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am raising the following points of concern about Sizewell C. 1. Impact on Environment and Landscape - Minsmere is a flagship destination of national importance, recognised by many environment experts. Sizewell C will destroy the majority of this site. - the construction period requires millions of litres of portable water, where will this be re drained - impossible to compensate ecological damage in a rapid global climate crisis - It won't offset CO2 emissions for years - uncertainty, based on all EDFs other projects, of construction length and cost. - flooding - Sizewell C has not addressed impact on proposed borrow pits and landfill. 2. Social and community - visitor economy: will hugely damage the tourist industry on which many locals rely for their entire income. e.g. The Cow Shed Farm and Eels foot east bridge. - it will devastate local communities with traffic, noise pollution, light pollution. -6,000 workers will come and live in an area - 2,400 in a worker campus in a location I think unsuitable, and oppose. -huge pressure on local renting sector, which is already a struggle for low-income families such as mine. -pressures on health, social and emergency services, impact on vulnerable people. -local people will realistically be offered majority low-skilled, low paid and temporary jobs. there is no exact proposal, empirically, for the number of suggested high-paid employment opportunities for local people. - tourism, which many early school leavers in our community go into, may loose £40m a year as a result of Sizewell C, jobs will be lost. 3. Coastal and Marin processes - unpredictable rates of erosion -damage to marine ecology -effect on Minsmere sluice. 3. Transport - plans for road based transport are unsuitable. Huge damage to many local communities and visitor economy. - farmland would be divided by the proposed roads, and communities divided. -alternative relief road routes with legacy value not adequately addressed by EDF. 4. Motives of the project - planned cost to taxpayer in order to secure profits for EDF and investors is unacceptable. - unclear whether the cite will be provide weapons research in years to come. 5. Site Selection - The site choice is confusingly irresponsible given the risk from rapid climate change, sea level rise and flooding - likely impact on coastal processes - the area could become an island with five nuclear reactors and stored waste. - 8 additional, uncoordinated energy projects planned for the locality. 6. Application - The wording of Explanatory Memorandum and Planning Statement. - Inaccessible and deliberately evasive nature of the planning process regarding local communities. I believe it has been undemocratic. I wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by RSPB, SWT and Stop Sizewell C and TASC. I wish to state that I consider the Sizewell C application to be unsuitable for digital examination process.