Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Shirley LeGrice

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to register my objections to the building of Sizewell C and for this to be treated as my Relevant Representation of concerns. Nuclear Waste, this is one of my main concerns and because of this, Nuclear cannot be classed as “green energy”. Anyone in support of this application should be prepared to have the Nuclear waste next to their house or childs or grandchildrens school. The problem of Nuclear Waste overrides any short term considerations, such as jobs. The estimated 900 permanent jobs on site once the building is complete is too high a price to pay, and that’s not taking into account all of the disruption and destruction to communities and countryside. The site could be better used to develop battery storage systems that harness wind, wave & solar power. There are already buildings on the site but the site should not be expanded further. Let’s look forward to greener energy solutions without polluting and despoiling our County and Country further. Other Nuclear power stations of a similar type that EDF are building in Olkiuoto in Finland and Flamanville in France are still not finished and are running massively overbudget. Hinckley Point in Somerset is already over budget by £2.98 billion. Hinckley Point should be the last Nuclear Power Station built in Britain. Germany & Japan are already moving away from Nuclear energy. The Sizewell site is at risk from coastal erosion and flooding and is in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Wildlife habitat will be destroyed, and species lost. Suffolk is a holiday destination for many because of its beauty, wildlife, nature & tranquillity. It’s already bad enough that we have Sizewell A & B sitting on the coast. Long term the area will lose more than it gains from Sizewell C being built. I am born and bred Suffolk and I am firmly against Sizewell C being built.