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Representation by Mrs Amanda Bettinson

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to register my OBJECTION EDF’s application for Development Consent for Sizewell C. I am aware that there are many issues that are of major concern to the locality which include the inadequate roads/highways and the impact that additional traffic will have on the community, the ‘increase in jobs’ that will be available, the somewhat perilous financial situation that EDF are in and the overall costs which will be very expensive, but the ones that I personally feel are a major issue are these: Coastal Processes – not enough valid information has been received on the impact of sea defences on the SSSIs, RSPB Minsmere and the local community, or the impact of the permanent beach landing facility on coastal processes/environment, particularly on how it will affect the coast further south and the Alde and Ore Estuary. Flooding & Hydrology – the flood risk due to climate change is unpredictable in the coming decades bearing in mind, as I understand it, storage of spent fuel will be on site for 120-150 years Landscape, Habitats & Wildlife – the impact on protected landscapes of the AONB, SSSIs, Ramsar, SPA, SAC AND MCZ will be catastrophic and these are the areas that provide the mainstay of the tourist economy in this area. The noise-impact and light pollution on rare wildlife, for which this area is so well known, will be disastrous and ruin the special qualities of this most precious AONB area. Health - impact on emergency services, doctors' surgeries and hospitals will be swamped by additional workers –there are unlikely to be adequate facilities and systems in place for additional surgeries and this should be included in the section 106.