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Representation by Dowley Family Business (Dowley Family Business)

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Relevant Representation I run a farming business which will be directly affected by the building of the two reactors at Sizewell. I am especially concerned about a number of aspects of the project: 1. Environment - light, noise and air pollution which will affect our ability to farm successfully -air pollution arising from dust/mud, some of it possibly even contaminated) blown around from the proposed borrow pits on the Eastbridge road. EDF has not identified anything they plan to do prevent this problem which has the potential to make it imposible for us to pursuse both arable and livestock farming, or carry on our shooting business, on the land adjacent to the pits. - noise, light and air pollution that will be disastrous for the internationally renowned bird sanctuary at Minsmere. - potentail damage to Minsmere sluice which could damage grazing land needed to feed livestock - the propsed sea defences for the project have been described as 'unbuildable' - pollution arising form the hige amount of traffic involved in building SZC - SZC will not contribute positively to climate change obligations until 2040, the CO2 emissions involved in building SZC taking 6 years to offset 2. Working life - the traffic and all the attendant nuissance value of the workers campus nearby will adversely affect out ability to carry on our normal farming business and quite likely mean the end of it, with the loss of 3 full time and 4 part time jobs. - loss of revenue and amenity value at our campsite at Eastbridge - the 12 year length of the disruption will cause lasting damage to the land and farming businesses in the area 3. Traffic - traffic will put unsustainable pressure on the local road network, with damaging consequences for local communities, existing businesses, farming and tourism - the proposed link road has no legacy benefit and not all available options were properly canvassed during the consultation process 4. General - complete lack of coordination or strategic planning in relation to other energy projects in the area - lack information provided by EDF - consultation process deeply flawed and EDF not prepared to be open about the results or listen to or act on the concerns of the community - even SUffolk County Council can't support the proposals because the advers impact of the project heavily outweighs any benefits.