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Representation by Mr Christopher Moore

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

There are a number of areas I am very concerned about, In no particular order 1. Impact on Local Community - traffic, noise, light pollution and general disruption. Workers Campus in totally unacceptable place. Pressure on local services eg. Health & Emergency 2. Impact on Local Economy/Tourism. Clearly will put off visitors and holiday makers 3. Transport - suggested plan will have huge negative impact on local areas. Villages will have to suffer years of significant HGV movements. Dangerous to pedestrians, other road users and massive negative impact on wildlife 4. Proposed Site - basically it is in the wrong place. Risk of flooding, next to internationally designated sites of ecological importance, 8 other uncoordinated energy projects also proposed/planned for the same area, risk to marine ecology, catastrophic impact on the character of the landscape, risk to groundwater levels I would also like to endorse the Relevant representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C and RSPB and state that I consider Sizewell C application to be totally unsuitable for a digital examination process