Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Peter Davies

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the Sizewell C development on the following grounds. Catastrophic effect on the surrounding close proximity wildlife and habitats that have taken many many years to bring back to this area. Unknown but probable impact on the flourishing tourism industry in the near vicinity Sizewell A is now non operational so limited lifespan and job opportunities Sizewell B is operational but has a limited lifecycle. Probably extended to 2055. No clear understanding of disposing of the waste products from any Reactor so far built. Any new jobs created for local people will be limited once construction (from outside Contractors) will be completed (less than 800 by EDF's own website on Sizewell B) and probably less as new technology takes over some operations. 10 years of construction (Estimated) costs inevitably increase which are passed to consumers. Little or no thought given to the infrastructure in a 50 mile radius of Sizewell. The impact on Housing and Social well being for the local communities. Little thought given to natural resources for power if given the same finances as Sizewell C Nuclear power is regarded 'Old' technology in 'New' energy resources. 3 Nuclear Stations in one place should never be considered a 'Good' idea. The impact on Suffolk Coastal will never and cannot be recovered and the have not clearly been defined. (Transport and heavy road use) I cannot remember when any Public input into any major scheme in this country as ever been upheld in favor of the 'Local' or 'National' General Public and are usually just a 'tick box' exercise.