Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Stephanie Powell

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wrote objecting to the construction of Sizewell C in March 2019. I continue to object strenuously to EDF’s proposed siting of Sizewell C on a vulnerable coastline which is already prone to erosion. Furthermore such a development could have a negative impact by accelerating coastal erosion, if not at Sizewell then further down the coast in the residential towns of Thorpeness and Aldeburgh. There has been no coordination with other proposed energy projects in the region which will lead to serious road congestion and a proliferation of super-sized, ugly buildings in our beautiful and tranquil coastal region which enjoys the protection of AONB status. If the project goes ahead there will be an unacceptable impact on local communities due to unsustainable traffic movements along minor country roads. This will impact local tourism which is the major employer in the area. Furthermore there will be pressure on accommodation in the area, disadvantaging local residents. Insufficient weight has been given to the development in the AONB, I consider it will have a catastrophic impact on the local landscape due to the location, design and scale of Sizewell C. Furthermore I do not consider it appropriate for a foreign owned corporation such as EDF to be allowed to build a nuclear power station in the UK with I understand Chinese cooperation. I am a member of Alde & Ore Association and wish to incorporate and endorse the points made on behalf of the association and its members. S A M Powell