Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Sophie Knappett

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Sizewell C May I firstly point out that no nuclear plants should be built as they produce nuclear waste which is dangerous, used in nuclear weapons and has no long term way of being disposed of. Please see CND for further details There are however a full list of problems with sizewell c. Below are my concerns. Location, erroding coastline. Area of outstanding natural beauty. With animals, birds, plants, habitat, Woodlands, heathland, that cannot be replaced. The work done so far by EDF to mitigate this doesnt come close. Road, rail and sea links, not able to cope with the disturbance and amount of vehicles needed. Planned building of accommodation for workers. Local area not able to cope with the influx of people and siteing of them. Deception about numbers of local workers to be used. Together against sizewell c have much more detailed information on the negative impacts of this project. But my main concerns are the catastrophic impacts on the environment, left for future generations (my sons) and the negative impact on the community I live in, with basic services already over stretched.