Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Mrs Joi Millgate

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am deeply concerned that this huge industrial project will irrevocably damage RSPB minsmere. EDF claim that they will not impinge on minsmere but 12+ years of light, noise and air pollution are guaranteed to disrupt the local environment. EDF have failed to detail how they intend to protect Minsmere beyond planting some screening and using dust management plans. How do you screen 30m high spoil heaps? If there is such a thing as a dust management plan every house in the country would have one. We regularly visit the Suffolk coast and Minsmere but if Sizewell C goes ahead we will not be returning. A tranquil rural area of AONB will be turned into a building site. EDF are offering a tourist fund to mitigate against damage to the tourist industry - there is no possible mitigation! I also fully endorse the relevant representations made by stopsizewellc and TASC (Together against Sizewell C).