Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Karen Cartwright

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am utterly appalled at even the possibility of a new nuclear power station on the Suffolk coast. It will Devastate local tourism and related economies and there will not be a comparable number of new jobs. It will devastate the beautiful countryside and wildlife that abounds here We do not have the infrastructure to support a build of this size - I live on the main road that would go through to the site - the amount of traffic would be totally unacceptable. Rising sea levels are already massively affecting the Suffolk coastline - building another nuclear power station on the coast is madness. There are so many alternative solutions out there nowadays - how about investing all these billions that it will take to build another station in all the really positive, environmentally friendly options that now exist. Taxpayers are already starting to pay for this build and I do not give my consent for my taxes to be spent in this frivolous and downright dangerous way. The build is economically unsound, environmentally and socially a disaster.