Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Jennifer Pearson

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I live in the area that would be affected by the building of Sizewell C however my objections are not totally parochial. This particular area of East Suffolk was originally a sleepy fishing village. It has Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty with some rare flora. Minsmere is a bird reserve of International renown. This would be seriously affected by Sizewell C including the marsh lands around it.I personally know of visitors from new Zealand who visit it. The area is visited by walkers and enthusiasts from all over therefore the hospitality section of the local economy is essential. This would be devastated by the builing of Sizewell C and may never recover. With regard to the technology I believe it is already out of date. 15 years to build would mean it was even more outdated by the time it was finished whereas other tecnologies are advancing all the time. Smaller nuclear power stations are cheaper quicker to build and cheaper therefore to decommission. Even though there may be a price difference per kilowatt and the strike price, there is no doubt these will be cheaper with wind power. Renewables are the way forward either with wind wave or solar. One of the advantages of wind power is that we in the UK have the technology to build it ourselves. Within 15 years we be plugging electric cars into our houses and even putting electricity back into the grid. Also battery storage as lithium cheap to obtain and so electricity even cheaper and less wastage. FOR MANY REASONS WE REALLY DONT NEED SIZEWELL C