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Representation by Valerie Harris

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Relevant Representation I object to the building of Sizewell C nuclear power station on the grounds listed below. It is not necessary; with the reduction in the use energy through better insulation of buildings, better understanding of energy use by the public and large organisations, alternative ways of working to reduce the amount of energy used in any commercial activity and increased use of energy from renewable sources. Nuclear energy is inherently unsafe through human error, terrorist activities and the long half-lives of the materials used in generation. The building and operation of a new plant will have a negative effect on the local roads and transport systems, local housing and there will be no major advantage for local employment. During construction and in use there will be much disruption to the local environment and major pollution through light, noise, in the atmosphere and the aquatic environment with a negative effect on all wildlife and marine ecology.