Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Wendy Ellis

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a user of Sizewell beach and marshes for recreational use I am very concerned about the adverse impact this will have, both in the short and long term. Also the danger of flooding to the site, I do not feel has been considered in enough depth. Taking Felixstowe as an example, since the dredging of the River Orwell to accommodate the very large container vessels, this has had an adverse effect on the beach levels from the river mouth right up to the mouth of the River Deben at Old Felixstowe/Bawdsey. The sea has previously breached the sea wall at Minsmere and I can see a real possibility of Sizewell becoming an island. I know this has already been noted but I do not feel sufficient weight is being given to the argument.