Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Adrian Nutbeem

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have owned and lived at my contact address in East Suffolk, approximately 7 miles from the proposed build location of the Sizewell C double EDF Nuclear power station complex since 1979. My wife and I chose to settle here because we adore the wild and bio diverse pastoral beauty of this part of Suffolk that until now has maintained an acceptable and well considered balance of new building and new industrial development with sensitivity and respect for the unspoilt natural landscape and its coexistence with long established mixed and arable farming and the sensitively well balanced development of new housing as required to accommodate the families and workforce of the area. As this proposed project concept has developed, my wife and I and our family have become deeply disturbed and concerned at the extent of the spacial vastness that the service delivery and industrial workforce will have on this entire location during building and on completion as reported and illustrated in the EDF project literature that has been made available over particularly the past 3 years. It does appear that for my family and I, and the majority of the people living within the proposed development zone, the negative impact on the current quality of life (that was and is the reason for choosing this part of East Suffolk as home), will be deeply adversely affected if this vast expansion of power generation infrastructure goes ahead at the proposed location, possibly doubling the built environment in this part of East Suffolk. with incalculable collateral impact, particularly on the increasingly precious wild life habitat that is the precise coastal zone selected as the site and focus of the proposed industrial complex, and the broader undesirable structural and environmental affects it will entail over the anticipated lengthy period of construction.