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Representation by John Heald

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have grave doubts about the wisdom, need, practicality, short and long term consequences of desecrating our unique AONB and disrupting the lives of many people in East Suffolk. As yet there is no sign of a safe geological storage facility for the nuclear waste that this type of power station creates. I have lived here for almost 50 years and well remember the tragic effect that the construction of Sizewell B had on local towns and villages, particularly Leiston, despite promises that the workforce would have little impact on the area. The need to ask the Chinese/French consortium to build us a nuclear power station when the rest of Europe has, sensibly, decided to abandon the nuclear option, seems odd, to say the least. The promise of "local" employment seems the stretch the definition the "local" to a ridiculous extent. If the authorities are serious about long term employment, the local fabrication and servicing of structures for alternative energy supplies (for example, off-shore wind turbines) is a more rational option. I see nothing to persuade me that "without Sizewell C the lights will go off" to quote the manager-designate of Sizewell C.