Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Mrs J. Noble

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I would urge you to oppose the planning application on the following grounds:- 1.This application is next door to an internationally renowned nature reserve, which has the following accolades; SSI;SPA;CSAC;RAMSAR;AONB;NATURA 2000. The proposed development will have a deleterious effect on this reserve. 2.EDF plans include mitigating the affect of rising sea levels.The National Trust accept that to hold sea levels back in one area, has a knock on affect on other areas.The building of this power station could well cause flooding problems in other areas of coast; eg Aldeburgh which already has problems in this area. 3 The A12 is a busy road. The problems exist in the south around Woodbridge which already experience a mile tailback in summer. The road is a major tourist routes carryng cars caravans, and camper vans going to and from Lowestoft and Gt Yarmouth. EDFs road plans will not help this problem. 4 We must remember this is an A.O.N.B. and is an area that is enjoyed by thousands of people both locals and tourists. Tourist trade will be affected by this development let alone the pollution caused by hundred of vehicles going to and from this site over the time of the build