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Representation by Jeanette Elizabeth Collins

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to raise the following concerns in relation to EDF’s Sizewell C DCO Application; 1. The site is too small for two nuclear reactors, being only 32 hectares, whereas Hinkley Point C is 45 hectares 2. The constraints of the site have forced the platform to be very close to the sea, which does not allow a reliable coastal defence to be designed 3. The site is at risk from sea level rise and increasing storm surges as climate change worsens 4. Sizewell C will use pylons that are taller than the existing National Grid transmission pylons and are incompatible with the AONB designation 5. This development will have a massive adverse effect on the multiple designated sites of ecological, heritage, landscape and amenity that surrounds it for 10-12 years 6. Impacts of noise and pollution due to the creation of borrow pits close to Eastbridge are not adequately addressed 7. The effects to the environment and landscape of dust and runoff from the anticipated 30 metre spoil heaps on the 15-metre contour within the AONB are not adequately assessed or addressed 8. Inadequate assessment of drainage and supply of 3 million litres of potable water for the construction period and beyond 9. Assessment of the cumulative impacts of this development and the eight other energy projects planned for this area are inadequate 10. Eastbridge and Theberton will be subject to unacceptable noise and light pollution for the 10-12 years of the construction 11. Eastbridge and Theberton will be severed from the surrounding area by the closures of Moat Road and Pretty Lane 12. EDF’s road-based transport plan is unsustainable, having a huge adverse impact on local communities and the tourist/visitor economy. EDF’s own estimate of HGV movements are now as high as under “road led” proposals, which were rejected by all statutory consultees previously 13. Increases in traffic on the B1122 for the first 2-3 years are unacceptable, and no work should commence until the Sizewell Link Road is complete 14. If the link road cannot be completed before work starts, then crossings and extended speed limits mentioned in prior consultations must be introduced along the B1122 15. Eastbridge’s single track lanes have no speed limits and will be used by traffic avoiding the B1122 coming from Westleton, via Minsmere. Speed limits should be introduced within the village and there should be a zero-tolerance policy from EDF to fly-parking in the village I endorse the Relevant Representations submitted by Stop Sizewell C, Minsmere Levels Stakeholders Group, Theberton and Eastbridge Parish Council, Suffolk Wildlife Trust and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. I wish to state that I consider the Sizewell C application to be totally unsuitable for a digital examination process.