Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Gillian Richmond

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My house is very close to the proposed parking site near to the Fiveways Roundabout at the junction of the B1116 and B1078. My house is situated on the B1078. I am extremely concerned at the inevitability of increased transport outside mu house. This stretch of the road has no footpath and there is already a history of drivers massively exceeding the speed limit. If, as I believe is inevitable, the volume of traffic increases as people head for the parking site, then an already treacherous stretch of road will become even more dangerous. The character of the area will be damaged for a very long time, possibly permanently. I think the costs of building Sizewell C generally and this parking site in particular dwarf any potential benefits.