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Representation by Caroline Ogilvie (Caroline Ogilvie)

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. I, Caroline Ogilvie, own [Redacted]and have lived here since 1987. I wish to be registered as an interested party for the Sizewell C DCO. I do not support the construction of the new Nuclear power facilities, for reasons I will amplify later in the DCO process. 2. My immediate focus is on the huge impact of EDF’s alignment for the proposed 2 Villages Bypass. This affects the whole of the Farnham and Stratford St. Andrew community. The Parish Council have presented sound arguments (and evidenced) why a more Easterly route is more favourable to the environment and most importantly highlighting how the 20dwellings will be very badly affected. 3. I am part of the community in the Farnham Hall area and my property is obviously close to St. Mary's Church. There is a long history to the settlements at Farnham and Straford St. Andrew. The church is believed to be on the site of a Roman encampment. A church may have been first constructed circa AD800 but the oldest parts are 12th century, indicating an early Norman reconstruction. The fact that Farnham Manor is dated 1602 on its plasterwork and the long existence of a farm complex suggests strongly that this was the original medieval manor, with a church in close proximity and The Old Vicarage coming off the access road to the Hall and farm complex. The group of buildings should be regarded as related to each other and of architectural, historic and heritage value as a whole as well as individually. The impact of EDF's proposals on the built environment should be considered in that light. It is seriously detrimental. 3. I support wholeheartedly the principles of communities on the A12 being bypassed; existing traffic problems will be made that much worse as a result of Sizewell C, and also Scottish Power's windfarm projects, which must be taken into account in terms of overall traffic impact. The need for relief along the A12 extends also to Marlesford and Little Glemham but as regards Farnham and Stratford St. Andrew specifically EDF is pursuing the wrong route which detrimentally affects 20 dwellings, including my own. The problems along the A12 are being dealt with incorrectly, by imposing the burden flowing from high traffic levels onto those 20 dwellings, EDF has consistently underplayed the impact of its proposed alignment (eg the number of dwellings affected) but chose to print in their brochures that they are doing the opposite. This is a misrepresentation of their actions and they have failed to look sensibly at the Eastern alignment submitted by the Parish Council . Their consultation exercise was flawed on many levels but: a) EDF argument that the bypass could not be realigned to the eastern side of Foxburrow Wood was that connecting corridor to Palents Grove was Ancient Woodland. It has been officially confirmed by Natural England that this corridor is not Ancient Woodland, thus "blowing out" EDF's reasoning. This information is not covered properly in EDF’s DCO documents. b) The Eastern alignment will be cheaper and easier to build, with much more limited impact on the built and natural environment, principally affecting a 20th century farm bungalow, of little architectural merit and used in recent years for the odd holiday letting. 4. I live in a pleasantly landscape setting at [Redacted] (which EDF have not even looked at). My woodland backs onto the Farnham Hall woodland. I am aware of the passage of animals and the western alignment proposed by EDF will be a real barrier to these corridors. EDF's environmental assessment is generally poor. 5 In conclusion: • Many people are in favour of an Eastern alignment. • It does not go through Ancient Woodland. • The Eastern route is cheaper and easier to build. • The difference in the time between the Eastern and the Western route is minimal. • EDF has ignored all the evidence laid out above and are trying to "bulldoze" the western route through when it is very clear the 2VB can easily be built on the eastern side of Foxburrow Wood. 6. I reserve the right to amend, add to and expand on my objections during the DCO process.