Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Piers Sturridge

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am very concerned that this is the wrong group of companies building the wrong project in the wrong place. I have huge concerns about these points and more The infrastructure of East Suffolk is too fragile to support such a major project and that EDF is failing to support improvements that will be required whether transport throughout East Anglia, local infrastructure, water, sewage, medical and educational facilities and social services. EDF's current financial situation is untenable and relies on the major assistance of the French Government. Any delay or cost problems could destroy the company not only at Sizewell but also at their four other nuclear projects in the UK and Europe which are hugely behind schedule and vastly over budget. EDF are supposed to guarantee to decommission the power station after its life (sixty years), but how worthwhile are these guarantees considering their financial problems today and their other obligation to decommission all their other European nuclear power stations. Are we just going to leave this problem for our grandchildren and great-grandchildren? Do any of us logically employ a bankrupt builder to build our homes? The sense in building a nuclear power station on a crumbling cliff in an area likely to be flooded by global warming. The safety of nuclear waste being stored onsite in cooling ponds and dry stores at temperatures in access of 400C for periods vastly longer than they were designed as no deep storage plant has been commissioned or planned. The current storage is only sufficient for Sizewell B recommended life. Failure to produce a viable evacuation plan for the area in the event of a nuclear accident both short term and longterm. No credible conservation plan for the local animal sanctuaries and ANOB. It currently suggests that they will ask all the fauna and flora to move out for fifteen years whilst they build Sizewell and then come back again. There is no protection from noise, vibration, 24/7/365 daylight, habit destruction, pollution, road links and lorries. No credible plan for providing the water for construction except ravaging the water table. Promises about jobs for local people have disappeared from the latest proposals and much of the information provided is scripted to impress and disguise rather than be honest and the supply chain will be use supplies picked for Hinkley Point. No effort has been made to mitigate the problems which have arisen for the local area and residents at Hinkley Point.