Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Greg Lusted

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As an interested layperson, it is my opinion that Sizewell C needs to be approved as nuclear power is the only low-carbon power source that can truly match coal and gas on grounds of both scale and dispatchability. It is apparent from observation of real-time electricity sources on websites such as [Redacted] that renewable energy sources such as wind and solar, being weather dependent, are unable to make any guarantee of power output (i.e. solar power outputs zero every night, and wind power regularly outputs under 10%, occasionally even 1% of installed capacity), with the remainder of demand having to be met by gas. Meanwhile nuclear power typically operates at full power as standard, only needing to shut down for reduelling or maintenance. Therefore it is clear that if we are serious about replacing fossil fuels we must accept the current high price of nuclear power on the basis of efficacy and the promise of future projects becoming sequentially cheaper due to replication. With regards for safety, I see no reason to doubt the safety of any new British nuclear project, having had no major incidents in commercial nuclear power generation since its inception in the 1950s, nor any measurable public health impacts from those incidents that have occurred.