Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Robert Rosling

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am very concerned about the proposal to build Sizewell C for the following reasons:- • Huge disruption and damage to the Suffolk Coast & Heaths AONB and significant industrialisation of the AONB. Given that the government have recently stated their intention to maintain and expand protected areas of the UK it is inconceivable that Sizewell C should proceed. • A huge negative effect on the qualiy of life in East Suffolk. • A significant increase in traffic, including heavy vehicles, on the mostly inadequate roads of East Suffolk. • The power generated would be excessively expensive and would be a burden to members of the public. This is unnecessary given the cost of renewables and the other related technological developments which are taking place. • Much CO2 would be generated during the construction phase. This would be just at the time when CO2 releases need to be curbed to attempt to limit climate change. • Power stations should be built close to where the majority of the power is to be consumed. • The risk of nuclear accidents or terrorist attacks is unacceptable even if it is low. • The storage of spent nuclear fuel on site is of great concern. • The eroding coastline is a great cause for great concern. • No new pylons should be erected. • The Hacheston Park & Ride, which is very local to my home, would damage my local environment with much increased traffic and disturbance. It would massively intrude on homes in Wickham Market. It would destroy agricultural land and it would damage an archaeological site. • RSPB Minsmere and other wildlife sites, including SSSIs would be compromised. Proposed mitigation cannot possibly compensate for this. • The tourist industry would be damaged. • The introduction of large numbers of non-local people would overload local facilities. • The number of jobs during construction has been presented in such a way as to create an exaggerated impression. Many of the jobs would be short lived. A realistic presentation of the actual work provided should take into account the person years of employment over the period of construction. • Many jobs would go to non-local people. • During operation of the power station man yof the workers will not be local. The number of ongoing jobs would fluctuate considerably since many more people are on site at nuclear power station during maintenance and re-fuelling cycles than the base number of workers. These extra workers are very unlikely to be local people. I also wish to endorse the Relevant Representations submitted by Stop Sizewell C and by Together Against Sizewell C.