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Representation by Angus Grogono

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to register my sincere disapproval of the plans for Sizewell C and the way that the consultation has been arranged. Although I am only representing myself, as an inhabitant and appreciator of the local area, I know of a number of relatives and non-tech friends who have not registered and responded because they do not have the competence online. It would have been easy to get a genuine sample of opinion on the impact - but those designing the process have chosen to exclude the population who are not active online. I am a supporter of nuclear power. And I appreciate the difficulty of finding a 'backyard' where local people are happy for the government to locate such facilities. And we already have a nuclear power plant here, which we have learned to 'love'. But with all these caveats, I still cannot understand why the Sizewell C proposal has not been pursued in an appropriately cautious, careful, evidence-based manner. It will take more time - but the year that might be added to the process (in terms of assessing the impact on the coast line, in terms of completing the plans for the sea defences, and in terms of ensuring that responsibility is taken for adverse impact in future decades) will ensure that we do not have a century of unnecessary disruption and destruction. I assume that I am writing to an interested, diligent, probably exhausted reviewer, who has been tasked with trawling through a pile of these responses. If one plea gets through, let it be that caution is the better part of valour