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Representation by Blaxhall Parish Council (Blaxhall Parish Council)

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Parish councils

Dear Sirs, Blaxhall Parish Council feel that EDF Energy have still failed to respond to the widespread concerns raised at Stages 3 & 4. The Parish Council are appalled that the rail & sea options for the movement of materials have been discounted with what seems to be inadequate justification even though it would be thought these would have been the preferred options. Blaxhall Parish Council favour the sea and rail led options although it is noted the rail option could impact and result in some level crossings closing in Blaxhall to which there are concerns. It is noted the rail led option would remove around 150 HGVs off the roads every day at peak construction, which is essential given the fact that the roads are very near their capacity at present. If the roads are clogged up this would also have a detrimental effect on tourism. Again, there has been lack of information as to why this option has been discounted and if this is due to the fact that EDF will not pay for the revamp of the Leiston line neither will Network rail this is disgraceful and in the Parish Council's opinion the rail led option needs to be addressed again. The Parish Council felt if road led this project could ruin the countryside and the environmental impact would outweigh any positives in respect of the project overall and therefore it was preferred that the sea and rail led option should still take priority. It is also felt that the development is too large and if smaller the construction time would be shorter. There are many pockets within East Suffolk where mobile coverage is extremely poor or non-existent and this also needs to be taken into consideration. I trust that you will take the above comments into consideration. Yours sincerely, Joanne Peters Clerk to Blaxhall PC