Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Derek Walduck

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I believe that if the Sizewell C development were to go ahead it would have a very detrimental effect on our area. My reasons include, among others: * our rural communities would be overwhelmed by the scale of development, especially when combined with the proposals for developments by Scottish Power and National Grid. * the character and appearance of our rural landscape would be irreversibly changed to one with an intrusive industrial element. * there would be an adverse effect on tourism, which is a very large part of our local economy. People come here for the rural tranquillity, wildlife and dark skies, all of which would be impacted. * a large area of a SSSI would be covered in concrete, having a devastating effect on wildlife. Saying that compensatory land would make up for this loss is not a valid defence - it takes a great many years for nature to mature and find a balance. The application proposes the ruination of a wonderful part of rural England by an outdated and expensive method of generating power and must be rejected.