Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Mrs Jennifer Pinard

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am concerned about the Sizewell C proposal for the following reasons: The area is very prone to coastal erosion. It is very flat and the current climate changes and rising sea levels could make this a very poor site choice in the long term. The development will have a very detrimental effect on the Minsmere wildlife nature reserve. This Reserve has become a haven for wildlife over the years and it is not a case of just moving the site elsewhere. It has developed over many years and needs to be protected as does our wildlife and unique habitats. The area is a very quiet unique area which will be impacted and changed forever by this proposal. The access is very poor and the roads being built will not have any future use but will remain an eyesore. The site for the "imported workers" will cause disruption, noise, pollution and aggravation for the small local communities without bringing them any long or short term benefit. I feel the choice of this site has not been thought out properly. I am concerned that the project has not been properly thought through and that the funding and time scale are unrealistic. Other more advanced projects seem to have come unstuck and I feel this project is clutching at straws. In my opinion the negatives and concerns outweigh any potential benefits.