Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by William Seale

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My wife and I would like to register our strongest objections to the proposed construction of a third Nuclear Power Station at Sizewell. Our primary objection is the whole idea of nuclear power. This is fast becoming a dying industry, but EDF do not seem to understand this. The growing use of renewables and the incredible advances made in this, and other form of energy creation, means that in the timeframe of this project it will it will be expensive and redundant. The enormous wastage of resources and landscape will have saddled this area with the most gilded 'white elephant' ever created. The claims of CO2 savings will be lost as the completion date ( now admitted by EDF to be 2040 in the Times August 25th) will have generated an estimated 5.74million tonnes during the building process. In that time the site, smack in the middle of the Suffolk Coast AONB, will have devastated acres of delicate ecology, degraded irrevocably RSPB Minsmere and Suffolk Sandlings and drastically reduced the water table for very little gain. The effects of the whole construction process in terms of a massive labour force, and all the demands that entails, will impinge on our creaking infrastructure and quality of life. Above all this project is of an absolutely huge scale that will change the entire nature of this area of East Suffolk. We are being confronted with now numerous renewable energy project which are vying for routes accross four Parishes when if Sizewell C was abandoned, like three other nuclear schemes in England, then the site could be used as the substation site they are all seeking.