Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Kevin Allenby

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I would like to take the opportunity to raise the following concerns about the proposed development of Sizewell C. 1) The negative effects on the local community, including the difficulties that increased traffic on the A12 will cause. It will become difficult to enter the A12 from linking minor roads. The excess noise and pollution will be harmful and detrimental to many people. Local businesses that rely on tourism will be badly effected. The impact of 6000 workers in this rural area will inevitable cause many social issues such as increased prostitution as reported at Hinkley Point. 2) The area is one of the finest areas for wildlife in the east of England and Minsmere in particular will suffer badly as a result of these proposals. There are serious risks to groundwater levels and ecological changes as a result. Detailed assessments on the negative effects have not been fully carried out by EDF. Wildlife corridors for important BAP species will be destroyed by the new road systems proposed. 3) The location is clearly wrong - on a vulnerable shifting coastline where rates of erosion cannot be reliable predicted. Is this really the best place to for highly toxic radioactive waste will need to be stored for hundreds of years. Finally, I would like to add that I consider the complexities of the Sizewell C application make it unsuitable for a digital examination process.