Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Michael Barrett

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to register my opposition to the building of Sizewell C Power Station. I agree with many of the points of objection that have been made in the media. The main points that spur me into making this representation, however, are listed below: + A massive increase in night trains passing with a 100 yards of my property (which would impact on me directly) + The loss of a local footpath which I use weekly (which would impact on me directly) Unpleasant impacts on my local community, including traffic-related impacts such as increases in noise, air pollution and light pollution (which would impact on me directly) + Pressure on my local health, social and emergency services (which would impact on me directly)    + Cutting-off of local communities, and general access to the countryside (which would impact on me directly) + Awful harm to Minsmere and the local river systems (which would impact on me directly) + Increase in CO2 and other harmful emissions from construction during building and longer-term (which would impact on me directly) + Negative impact on the stretch of the coast that I use in terms of erosion and visually (which would impact on me directly)