Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Angela Biggs

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My concerns regarding The Sizewell C Project are as follows: I think that the site is too small to accommodate 2 more nuclear reactors and it is too close to RSPB Minsmere. Climate change & rising sea levels may cause this area to flood within the next 40 years. The project will permanently damage environmentally sensitive areas nearby. Nuclear power generates dangerous waste that requires safe long term storage. The cost of the project is exorbitant and other similar projects have exceeded their initial budgets. Other similar projects have also taken much longer times to complete than were initially estimated. Green energy production would be quicker to build & less damaging. The road realignments and worker accommodation required, along with the building of the power stations would create unacceptable disturbance to local residents in Eastbridge & Theberton for at least 10 years. The Sizewell Project would damage local businesses and be detrimental to tourism. This is an area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and a Heritage Coastline used by thousands of visitors for holidays & respite throughout the year. The A12 would not cope with the extra volume of HGV traffic required & the construction of lorry parks would create further environmental damage at a time when Britain has already lost many Nature Reserves and SSSI sites. I