Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Marjorie Johnson

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The level of dependence on road transport will create significant disruption to everyday life in the area. It should be reduced and its impact mitigated as much as possible. I am particularly concerned about the proposed entry point of the A12 link road to the site, as opposed to the entry point to the south considered previously. The more southerly entry point would keep most Sizewell related traffic away from the two Saxmundham junctions, crucial to everyday life in the area. EDF has recognised that these junctions will need some improvement, but the suggested measures will be inadequate. There will be jams on either side of the A12 at these junctions and most likely be a flashpoint for accidents, given the Sizewell related volume of A12 traffic, the size of construction vehicles local traffic will have to contend with and the high speed limit. The original more southerly proposal for the entry to the link road would create a real benefit once construction is completed. The currrent proposal will bring no long term legacy. Decisions on planning should wait until public meetings can be held.