Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Thomas Sweet

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Please consider the following issues I have regarding development of Sizewell C. My concerns are 1. Unsuitable location The proposed site is at risk from coastal impacts from unpredictable rises in sea level and flooding. Massive impact in AONB and our heritage coast. Industrialisation of our coast when combined with 8 other energy projects in the immediate area 2.Environmental impact Traffic, dust pollution from the start. Catastrophic impact on local unique natural habitats recognised nationally and internationally 3.Transport Severe impact on local roads and communities with massive increase in HGV traffic which proposed road improvements will not fully address. Significant risk to safety of other road users. 4. Economic social impacts on Community Risk that local tourist industry and community who rely on this. Prospects of improved employment opportunities not proven. I also wish to endorse the RR submitted by Stop Sizewell C