Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Marie Szpak

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to register the following concerns about the proposed Sizewell C development. There are currently too many energy related projects currently seeking permission to progress with little, if any, real concern for the residents of East Suffolk whose lives are going to be most affected by the cumulative impact of these projects for many years. Thinking initially of the Sizewell C project, the site is surrounded by designated sites of ecological importance, including sites of landscape, cultural heritage and tourist spaces. If allowed to progress it will mean the destruction of areas inside the AONB which is supposed to be protected! Local woods will be felled, footpaths will be closed and life for local residents will be devastated by increased traffic, noise and pollution. Then there is the matter of nuclear waste and a nuclear accident - key concerns for those living within a 15 kilometre radius. I return to my initial point about the cumulative effect of the proposed energy projects including SPRs wind farm, cable route and proposed substations at Friston. The further development of the Galloper and Greater Gabbard projects - recently which have undergone a name change! East Suffolk relies on tourism, night skies, quiet roads and wildlife and heritage the cumulative effect of these projects mean all these will be lost. Roads will be gridlocked with HGVs and works related traffic - roads, many of which are just lanes, and cannot cope with the weight and size of such vehicles! Communities and farms will be divided by relief roads! East Suffolk will no longer be a Heritage Coast - it’s new name is the Sunrise Coast - all linked to the energy projects which are really rewarding investors who back the projects with their money - most not even English! They promise cheap plentiful power and the creation of jobs - but these jobs are not for the local population!