Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by J Buckland

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Issues of concern I wish to raise about Sizewell C. 1. Suitability / risks of Sizewell as a site: The area suffers coastal erosion, project will further impact this - sea landing site likely to cause knock on effects along coastline due to shingle movements Too close to Minsmere Reserve, an area of exceptional and international importance. Heritage Coast - the natural beauty and tranquility will be destroyed Suffolk Coast & Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty - it will be damaged and divided up by construction. Current climate emergency - rising sea levels is a real risk especially along this coastline which is low lying - presents long term safety concerns for building reactors here Proximity of the site to a highly populated and farmed area. The safety of the area should there be any form of accident and contamination would be devastating to millions of people and affect food production. Impact to local communities - villages and towns very close to site, likely to adversely affect them The area is too small to sustain a development of this scale - it is not remote enough 2. Impact on local communities and tourism: Significant increases to HGV traffic, noise, congestion, traffic and light pollution - disruptive to local residents. Massive strain on existing infrastructure and health services Influx of workers to the area - pressure on housing, sites to build extra accommodation for workers Villages are not designed to sustain years of continual heavy traffic increases. Construction of new roads would damage land, interfere with footpaths and cause traffic disruption Quality of life for existing residents will be negatively impacted by these disruptions. Especially stressful for elderly or vulnerable residents Negative impact on tourism - potential visitors to Heritage Coast deterred both during and after building due to massive changes to the area Sections of beaches and footpaths likely to be closed impacting on public access, rights of way, enjoyment of the area 3. Environmental damage: Minsmere - there will be irreparable damage to a Special Protection Area, threats to protected wildlife including Marsh Harriers, rare plants and species Minsmere, the most important bird reserve in UK should not be put at risk Landfill issues - excavation and disposal of materials for such a massive development. Toxic waste / spent fuel will have to be kept on Suffolk’s eroding coast for 100+ years High levels of dust pollution, noise and traffic pollution causing health issues Light pollution causing disruption to wildlife and residents Scale of project will negatively impact and change the landscape forever The risk of contamination and harm from safety incidents / accidents can only be classed as a high risk due to close proximity to people, wildlife and marine environments Risks to groundwater and increased sea pollution Marine ecology will be impacted Flood risks at the site - coastal erosions and rising sea levels could result in site becoming an island in the future Impossible to compensate for the damage to wildlife, landscapes and ecology Quick recovery of rare habitats is not possible Increase CO2 emissions from the construction of the site over many years I wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C I wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by RSPB. I wish to state that I consider the Sizewell C application to be totally unsuitable for a digital examination process due to its complexity