Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Jane MacFarlane

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

1). EDF state that Sizewell C will be an environmentally friendly way to provide electricity. It fails to mention that it will generate a waste product, spent fuel rods, which will have to be stored for possibly millennia. This presents the risk that radioactive material could in the future, be released by earth movements, terrorist attacks, erosion or by inadvertent negligence. The amount of CO2 that will be emitted during the construction of such a project will be enormous. 2). I feel renewable energy should be given priority. We have plenty of wind, and solar power is becoming cheaper to generate, and we appear to have enough sunlight for this purpose. 3) The nuclear reactor model EDF plans to build at Sizewell, EPR, has been found to be basically unsafe and not fit for purpose, in France and Finland. Why would anyone commission a NUCLEAR reactor that is not safe in the UK. 4) EDF claim that ‘hundreds of jobs will be generated’ locally, but presumably, many of the skilled jobs required will be provided by skilled workers from Hinkley power station, which presumably will be finished by the expected start of Sizewell! 5) The environmental and economic impact on the local infrastructure will be devastating. It may bring short term prosperity to a few, but the natural habitat, farmland and SSSI’s, once gone cannot be replaced as in their original guise.