Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Tom Lagden

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a business owner living with my young family right at the centre of the area affected by the proposed construction I have grave concerns with regard to the plans for Sizewell C both from a personal and business perspective. Tourism in the region will be decimated along with much of my trade, (locals will flee the area too), regardless of the proposed mitigations such as a bypass. These in fact produce more problems virtually cutting the village off from the outside world in all directions, footpaths destroyed, roads cut off. Not only do the proposals have scant regard for the environmental impact to an area of outstanding natural beauty, Minsmere is a recognised worldwide for its importance, they also vastly underestimate the detrimental economic impact on small businesses such as mine. Whilst it can be argued that workers on site will require refreshment and sustenance, plans clearly indicate onsite facilities will cater for this meaning that rather than taking with one hand and giving with the other in fact both palms remain firmly clasped, one around the incoming cash and the other around the neck of the tourist industry. The extraordinary increase in traffic to the area will change the area beyond recognition. The road led transportation plans are fundamentally flawed and opportunities to use sea transport have been overlooked. Light and sound pollution will increase exponentially and the proposed bypass will be constructed in tandem with the site meaning that this will lead to even more traffic using a vastly inadequate road running right in front of my business and home during initial stages. The studies conducted into these impacts to date seem completely inadequate. In times when CO2 emissions are a real concern this project is hardly on message. Sizewell C is already old technology being installed in the wrong place, a special place. Theberton welcomed me with open arms five years ago, it is an incredible community which I and my family are proud to be a part of. I fear both the village and those surrounding it would be irrevocably damaged by such an enormous undertaking which would see an influx of 6,000 workers flooding already stretched local facilities and resources. A campus is to be built but there is no legacy to the proposed project other than ruining a magical place for residents and visitors. I agree with and stand by the representations submitted by Stop Sizewell C and the RSPB. I see no merit in the existing proposals for Sizewell C and find the application to be totally unsuitable for further consideration.