Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Alexandra Alexander

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. The impact that Sizewell C will have on the local community, economy, tourism and the environment will be hugely detrimental. The Suffolk coast is currently a peaceful and beautiful area which attracts thousands of tourists, provides a habitat for millions of species and endangered birds, and produces a significant amount of food to the UK economy (which reduces C02 emissions). All of these elements create a sustainable economy for the local area, keeping the unemployment rate well below the national average. The construction and running of Sizewell C will cause unacceptable impacts on all of the above. • There will be a significant increase in noise, light pollution and disruption. • Traffic for the site will cause huge delays to the one lane road in and out of the area, causing frustration for the daily lives of the community and putting off tourists from visiting the area. • Tourism may lose up to £40m a year and 400 jobs. EDF surveys suggest 29% of visitors could be deterred and when you consider that visitors will come to the area because of the beauty, peace and tranquillity, and wildlife and nature that percentage is likely to be significantly higher. • There will be pressure on local housing, especially in private-rental sector and whilst developers may welcome this, more housing which in turn creates more traffic, will also create more pressure on local services. For example health, social and emergency services, which all impacts disproportionately on vulnerable people. The environmental impact will be catastrophic causing • Flooding. • Irreparable harm to Minsmere - a flagship destination of international importance and significance. Impacts on Marsh Harriers threaten integrity of Special Protection Area. • Uncertainty re drainage and supply of 3 million litres of potable water for the construction period and beyond. • Abstraction of water compounds risks to the environment and to protected species. • Risks to groundwater levels and surrounding habitats and ecology • Flood risk due to the loss of flood storage from the development site • Catastrophic impact on landscape character because of locality, design and scale; construction severs the AONB • Impossible to compensate for landscape and ecological damage • Won’t offset CO2 from construction for at least 6 years. • Ecological and flood risk impacts on coastal processes from hard coastal defence feature HCDF. No complete design of HCDF available • Rates of erosion and recession episodic and unpredictable • Impacts of Beach Landing Facility on coastal processes • Impacts on marine ecology I wish to endorse the Relevant Representations submitted by Stop Sizewell C, RSPB, Suffolk Wildlife Trust. I wish to state that I consider the Sizewell C application to be totally unsuitable for a digital examination process.