Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Owen Smith

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Please see below my objections to Sizewell C: 1. Impact on wildlife • Minsmere is an important habitat for countless birds and other species, including protected species such as the Marsh Harrier, and the rare (to the UK) Bittern and Sizewell C would damage this. • The damage to the natural ecosystem and habitats in the area where Sizewell C is planned, and the surrounding area, would be irreversible • Light pollution, construction, significant impact to the water in the area and increased numbers of people would harm and drive away wildlife that are thriving in the current protected landscape, to the detriment of the natural ecosystem and potentially the future survival of some species. • It takes decades to develop habitats where wildlife feel safe and can protect and feed their young, and any notion of the impact of Sizewell C stopping once construction stops is short-sighted and dangerous to creatures who have a greater claim on this planet than the human race. 2. Impact on soil, biodiversity and farming • The amount of water needed for construction can’t fail to have an impact on the health of the soil in surrounding areas, impacting trees, farmland and the biodiversity of the area • Farming would be severely disrupted by the impact of the significantly increased traffic that’s anticipated 3. Impact on traffic • The amount of additional traffic the site would create is completely unsustainable for an already limited road system. The A12 and A14 already almost not enough for existing traffic, local B-roads could not cope with large vehicles and villages would become gridlocked I also endorse the Relevant Representations submitted by ‘Stop Sizewell C’, the RSPB and the Suffolk Wildlife Trust. Additionally, I believe the Sizewell C application is completely unsuitable for a digital examination process.