Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Evelyn Thomas

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

• Sea levels are rising and will continue to rise, posing serious risks for all coastal areas, and all adjacent operations, including the this huge unnecessary project • The possibility of flooding is high and will increase over time; local coastal defences already show that there is no solution to coastal erosion • The wildlife will be devastated by the building works and the operation of the proposed reactor • The risks to the local community could be severe, including pollution from traffic, lighting, dust and other forms of waste • The effects of pollution will in turn lead to adverse effects on health and increased pressure on local health services • Many visitors will not want to come to the damaged local ecology sites adversely affecting those who currently benefit from tourist income • Building new roads will also adversely affect levels of pollution, noise, waste • The major changes proposed, with mental health risks not obviously being mitigated, will create severe stresses for local residents and increase mental health problems among vulnerable people • New roads will damage the ecology, flora and fauna in the wider areas around the proposed project • Farmland and local pathways for people and animals will be adversely affected by new roads • It would be quite wrong to pursue activities that would so severely damage Sizewell Marshes, an adjacent Site of Special Scientific Interest, and other nearby designated sites