Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by T Herrington

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to register an objection to the Sizewell C development. The points I wish to raise, as a life-long Suffolk resident are as follows: This is a ANOB which should be preserved at all costs, the mitigating actions that are proposed cannot make up for the irreplaceable damage done. Numerous local and national nature bodies endorse this view including Suffolk Wildlife Trust and RSPB The environmental changes taking place will result in the rise of waterlevels making the size unpractical, and equally any build would cause huge damage to marine life The access infrastructure simply cannot cope with the traffic that would be required for the construction of the site. The A12 and tribuatory roads are already under pressure with more local building already approved. The number and size of the lorries and movements during the build will be catasrophic for both local residents, and tourism which is a key economic driver for the county. The consultation process by EDF has not been transparent and critical details are missing from their submissions.