Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Susan Wilson

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am a resident of Marlesford and am concerned that the impacts of building Sizewell C will have a devastatingly detrimental impact on this beautiful area of small, characterful villages with Conservation Areas, set in a rural landscape containing large areas of national importance. I am not satisfied that EDF have fully explored the options of a marine-led or rail-led strategy neither do I think that they have given satisfactory explanations for abandoning them. In Marlesford we will be most affected by the proposed Southern Park & Ride (SP&R). Site concerns: - The proposed location of the site on a hill overlooking Special Landscape Areas and Conservation Areas is totally inappropriate. - The elevated position of the SP&R will mean it is visible in the local area. - I do not think that the plans provide adequate screening. - Lighting and drainage plans are shown as ‘Not for Approval’ and I am concerned about how these aspects will be controlled. - It is not clear what hedges and trees are being retained and I want to ensure that as much as possible is kept. Traffic Concerns: - I do not think the proposed SP&R location is suitable in terms of traffic access. - The entrance/exit is sited on the slip road to the A12 at the end of which the A12 dual-carriageway narrows to a single carriageway and enters a 40mph restriction zone. If more traffic is entering from the slip road I believe it will be dangerous. - I believe that traffic will use ‘rat-runs’ to avoid congestion. Local lanes, such as Marlesford Road, are single track and inappropriate for increased traffic. - Due to permitted parking on one side, High Street, Wickham Market is, effectively, one lane only. Increased traffic accessing the SP&R from the B1078 will create unworkable congestion. - Side roads accessing the A12 in Marlesford are Bell Lane and Marlesford Road. The former has limited visibility in both directions, and attempting to turn south across the A12 traffic at either junction regularly leads to long delays. - I want to see EDF work with the local authorities to investigate using the Martlesham Park and Ride for Sizewell traffic, as originally requested by local councils. This would alleviate traffic pressure further north. - EDF’s proposal to by-pass only Farnham and Stratford St Andrew will, I believe, lead to delays and congestion through Marlesford and Little Glemham. EDF’s proposed route cannot, in future, join up with a by-pass for Marlesford and Little Glemham. - It was recognised by Government in the 1990s that a by-pass for all four villages was needed. Plans were approved but the road was not built. Since then, traffic has increased dramatically and Sizewell and other projects will put even more strain on this inadequate stretch of road. If a 4-village by-pass is not forthcoming immediately, mitigation needs to take place at Marlesford junctions for local traffic to access the A12 and to provide a safe crossing place for residents in this severed community.