Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Adrian McInerney

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Cumulative impact of this project alongside the multiple Energy NSIPs coming forward Inappropriate site – too small Lack of in-depth detail in the application is unsatisfactory. Claims of benefit appear over inflated additional jobs to be created, will these be additional to or replace the jobs currently provided by sizewell B? Concern over boom and bust scenario Will this 3rd attempt to elevate Leiston from being near the bottom of the educational attainment league be any more successful than for sizewell A & B? Ditto raising Leiston's general socio-economic levels? A comprehensive rail use plan must be provided to avoid unacceptable road over rail and sea bias. Damage to the AONB Unnecessary pylons. Poor – amateur sea defence and SSSI land bridge plans. No recognition that all significant infrastructure works ought to be completed prior to commencement of building SZC. Suffolk deserves better from EDF.