Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Geoff Bones

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. Sea levels are currently rising in line with the highest predictions of meteorologists of 20 years ago, and will likely continue to outdo current predictions. The coast around Sizewell is unstable and will become more unstable as sea levels continue to rise. Building a new quay is likely to have unpredictable effects on the shape of the coast. To approve the location of a nuclear reactor on this coast - of all coasts - is irresponsible. 2. EDF have given many pledges to protect and enhance the sensitive and valuable ecological environment in which the reactor is to be sited. But, given the EDF's record of adhering to similar pledges to respect the marine environment at Hinckley Point, these are worthless. At Hinckley Point, once budgets tightened (i.e. early on in the project) plans to protect marine wildlife from entering the water intakes were shelved. It was then found that there was no way to enforce them. Approving Sizewell C is a way of allowing EDF a carte blanche to do to the surrounding area just what their balance sheet demands. 3. The coronavirus has changed everything. With electricity consumption reducing, and a fresh demand for new investment in clean renewable energy, Sizewell C is going to be out dated and represent yesterday's thinking long before it is fully operational.