Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Janice Frost

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to this development on the following grounds: • The damage that it will do the local environment. The construction process will impact on the local drainage which feeds into the nearby Minsmere Nature Reserve , the home of extremely rare Marsh Harriers. The disturbance caused by all the additional traffic will also impact on the local wildlife in both the terrestrial and marine environment. It will be impossible to recover from the loss of habitats that host rare birds, animals and plants. The RSPB and Suffolk Wildlife Trust now oppose Sizewell C; the RSPB says it could be “catastrophic for wildlife”. I agree with this. • The impact of the construction traffic on the local communities in terms of noise, air pollution and damage to the local road network which will be unable to cope with the nature and volumes of lorry traffic that will be generated. • It is not value for money. The economics of the energy produced by the new facility do not stack up. It will be some of the most expensive electricity generated in the UK, at a time when the cost of wind and solar energy which are much cleaner alternatives, is falling. • The long term legacy of a radioactive site to decommission and tonnes of highly radioactive waste to dispose of. Despite being a nuclear nation for approx. 70 years we do not yet have a safe way to dispose of the highly radioactive waste that will be produced within the plant or the highly radioactive plant and machinery and buildings etc. that will need to be decommissioned at its end of life. This is an unacceptable burden for future generations to have to deal with. • I endorse Stop Sizewell C’s Relevant Representation.