Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Peter Wagstaff

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am very very concerned about the proposals for Sizewell C. In a previous life I worked for and with Public Relations Consultants lobbying for the development of Supermarkets and I know first hand how the truth is bent to paint a pretty picture. The Sizewell C project is just wrong on so many levels. Britain's wildlife is under immediate threat from human infiltration. The threat has never been so great. Covid 19 has brought it home that biodiversity has THE most important role in sustaining life for not only us but the creatures that create the world that make our existence possible. The wildlife habitat has to be protected at all cost and the cancelling of Sizewell C is one of those costs. Secondly the impact on the communities by construction traffic is astronomical. Whatever the PR folks say, it will have an horrendous, detrimental and lasting negative effect on the people and the villages that surround Sizewell. It proposes the creation of local jobs. This is not the case as most trades will be brought in from elsewhere as in similar developments throughout the country. Just to note, I am passionate about our precious environment, both local and worldwide. For the past 4 years my wife and I have meticulously renovated a bungalow [Redacted] to the highest standards of sustainability, incorporating Solar power and ground source energy. These are just a few personal decisions we have taken, along with not eating meat and not taking long-haul flights in order to lessen our carbon footprint. Please don't bring additional stress to the creatures and habitats in and around Sizewell they have enough to contend with without this further threat. If this went ahead, against all opposition, the people responsible will have this as their legacy, destruction of habitat and community, absolutely nothing to be proud of. Please consider this very very carefully as once it has gone, it has gone forever.