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Representation by Mr Ollie Tizzard

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am submitting this representation in support of Sizewell C. While there are legitimate concerns from the community about the impact of construction traffic, noise, congestion, biodiversity etc, I feel these are things that can be managed and should not scupper the entire project. The case for nuclear power in the UK, for both our energy security and our meeting of the Climate Change Act 2008, is sound, the technology proven safe and reliable, and the alternatives insufficiently developed. The very vocal opposition to Sizewell C has framed the discussion as an either/or battle between renewables and nuclear, which is not the case. Sizewell, along with Hinkley C and expanding renewables, will be an enormous boon for our low carbon electricity generation and therefore our wider economy. The alternative is the continuation of ill-health and death from fossil fuel pollution. This is very real and quantifiable fact that nuclear power can tangibly work to improve. I am participating in this process to lend some weight to the pro-nuclear point of view and try to allay some concerns as someone with no connection to the industry or with any vested interests.