Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by June Holmes

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am deeply concerned and ask ,as the planning inspectorate that You review 1.EDF s application is so complex that it is totally unsuitable for a digital examination please adjust your review procedures 2.the cost of the whole project is far from certain how it is to be funded please explore this further. Failure to finance a nuclear power station must bear on planning 3.the road transport plan is not sustainable for the villages on the A1122 ,nor does the plan consider alternative new road routes . 4.Please review the risk of flooding and also the borrow pits and the inadequate land fill proposals . The drainage system in particular and the supply of water for construction and post construction requires evidencing it can cope with all that is needed 5. The unacceptable effects and impacts on the local community bringing 6000 workers to site with a 2500 worker Campus at a site that I oppose for its complete unsuitability. 6 EDF expects that the main jobs that local folk will fill will be the lower paid jobs of site support not the types of jobs to give long term and developmental careers to our young folk. 7 please review the emergency service access to all the villages once the A1122 and A12 are loaded with all the worker and building traffic.What times will an ambulance take to deal with a heart attack because the A1122 is jammed with lorries and everyday traffic. 8 Please review the whole site as a viable option ,which I believe is a wrong project at the wrong site. Risk of sea level rise .impact on the coastal natural ways And the fact we have eight other energy projects planned is too too much for this small area. Please review climate change and future sea level rise As part of this planning application . We will still have to live here if you get it wrong. 9 please review to whom EDF is accountable. the history of the last power station build evidenced a company making many promises that it failed to keep . It promised the world at the outset please make sure there is accountability 10 Please review The local tourist economy that will suffer as a result of visitors staying away or finding difficulties in negotiating the narrow roads choked with lorries. 11.heights of spoil heaps and dust management need to be questioned. 12 please review EDF calculations for offsetting CO2 and the length of time this will take VERSUS what they produce in CO2 during construction. 13 Please review the irreparable harm to be done to Minsmere an area of world importance 14 please review the proposals for compulsory purchase they will split up working farms and land parcels I wish to support the representation by STOP SIZEWELL C and also the concerns raised by the RSPB and SWT I wish to state that I believe this SIZEWELL C application to be totally unsuitable for the digital examination that you propose , it is too complex and too too important.