Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Geoffrey Prescott

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

To, Planning Inspectorate. Re Suffolk Sizewell C Reactors C and D planning permission and related issues. Dear Sir/Madam, Please register me as an interested party in the Sizewell C planning matter. 1. Emergency and Safety Plans As an experienced emergency planner and implementer of emergency response programmes for natural and man-made disaster response, the application is woeful and extremely worrying. Incidentally I also commissioned the first and only manual for responding to CBRN disasters for the humanitarian community. The summary view therefore is not of a lay-person but of someone active in the field. • The necessary upgrading of the fire service is non-existent, with meaningless words replacing adequate resourcing, adaptions and action. • The necessary specialist provision of CBRN (radiation and fire) materials for the build and the resulting 4 reactors (!) is non-existent. • The infrastructure to provide an emergency response from the West, North and East is entirely inadequate and essentially no plans have been presented to explain how fire or radiation hazards can be managed from an access and logistical point of view. • The lack of a long or medium term solution for the storage of radioactive materials is a concern. Not least because this was the prerequisite for the build and indeed all new reactors. For reasons unexplained that requirement has now been waived, without an explanation or a nod to the safety implications. The emergency ponds in Sizewell are wholly inadequate and there have already been confirmed reports of leaks from them. • The local community are neither, briefed or prepared with for Iodine supplies to an international standard, nor provided with evacuations and protection plan should n event occur. From experience, if an event occurs the entire population will be on the move, yet there is not logistical or planning provision for road, helicopters, rail etc. 2 Poor Choice of Location. • The initial planning and Government’s Environment agency maps showed that Sizewell would flood. This was changed couple of years ago to suddenly show Sizewell as becoming an island in 50 years’ time. This is an insane location. • Can anyone realistically accept that from a “flooded” site to an island located in wetlands, is a good place for two new reactors? • As a local resident this part of the UK, East Suffolk has the highest number of Areas of outstanding Natural Beauty in the entire country. The impact of the plans, will both from a build and operational point of view lead to massive disruption and destruction of this are. there is no mitigation of the degree of damage that will be caused. 3. Over development • There are another eight uncoordinated energy projects planned for the locality. This is massive over development and harms the wildlife and beauty. • There is also a degree of concern about how sensible it will be to have 20-25% (depending on whose figures you use) of the UK’s power coming from a small patch of Suffolk, with terrible narrow roads and a resistant populace. Off shore wind, nuclear and a postage stamp to provide it, is a very vulnerable and short sighted dependence. 4. Yoxford • As a Yoxford resident there is a nonsensical plan for the roundabout causing significant tail backs on the A12 and A1120. • The A1120, “Tourist Route” will be choked by cars and white vans let alone lorries. It is not built for it and is a thriving village about to be ruined, as will all the villages along the A1120. All cars and commercial traffic for Sizewell should be banned from this route, but no plan or mitigation is present. • The A12 will be slowed down and the plan will institute unacceptable extra roundabouts. In truth the whole A12 needs to be upgraded anyway to dual carriageways and the current plan is the worst possible, introducing slowness, choke points and chairs. Good luck with that. • Rail and sea can be used but have been reduced on costs grounds in the plan. This is unacceptable. The cost of building i should include this eco transport options, not going for the cheapest which is to use vehicles to wreck East Suffolk. • 6,000 workers will come and live in the area, a very low crime and tranquil haven for wildlife. 2,400 in one worker’s campus alone. • Visitor economy: Tourism may lose up to £40m a year and 400 jobs. EDF surveys suggest 29% of visitors could be deterred. • Pressure on local housing especially in private-rental sector. My own family will not be able to find affordable accommodation and so leave the area (Four children between the ages of 13 and 21). • There is no explanation for an increase in health, social and emergency services, despite the demand for these planned to escalate dramatically. 5. Review I wish to state that I consider the Sizewell C application to be totally unsuitable for a digital examination process. Your Sincerely Geoff Prescott